ISCTE, Lisbon University Institute
Paulo Pedroso
Paulo Pedroso was born in 1965. He is a sociologist, currently teaching Social Policy in Department of Political Science and Public Policy of ISCTE-IUL.
He has been Alternate Executive Director of the World Bank Group (2018-2020). As a politician, he has been Minister of Labour and Solidarity (2001-2002), Secretary of State of Labour and Training (1997-2001), and Member of Parliament from 1999-2005 and in 2008-2009.
He was international technical advisor to Minister of Solidariety of Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste (2013-2014).
Paulo Pedroso has implemented public policy evaluation in Portugal, São Tomé e Principe and Turkey. Currently he coordinates the evaluation team of PANORAMED, the Governance Platform of INTERREG Med.
He was team leader and expert in technical assistance projects funded by EU in Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria. Currently he is working in technical assistance to social security management in Angola and Timor-Leste.
project coordinator

Joana Azevedo
Joana Azevedo is an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon and an integrated research fellow at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte). She is the co-director of the Master in Humanitarian Action, a program jointly offered by the School of Sociology and Public Policy and the Iscte Business School. She is the executive coordinator of the Observatory of Emigration (OEm) and member of the Observatory of Communication (OberCom).
She holds a PhD in Social Theory and Research from the University La Sapienza in Rome. She has a postgraduate in Data Analysis in Social Sciences and a degree in Sociology from Iscte. Since 2011 she has been teaching at Iscte in the fields of sociology, communication sciences, migration and humanitarian action, and social science research methods.
Link to cv:

Raquel Freitas
Raquel Freitas is invited Professor at ISCTE. She is specialized in International Relations, European Public Policy, Political Science, Comparative Policy, Political Economy. Currently she is deputy director of the advanced training course in Humanitarian Action at ISCTE, where she teaches the introductory course on fundaments, key concepts and challenges of humanitarian action. She is also regularly invited to teach at Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas’ post-graduate course on Crisis and Humanitarian Action and in the National Defense Course (module on humanitarian response in situations of conflict).
Her doctoral degree focused on the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Refugee’s mandate and operational role regarding Internally Displaced Persons. She has extensive experience working as a consultant for UNHCR and other organisations, both at headquarters and in the field. She was advisor to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation where she was in charge of relations with UN agencies, humanitarian response, migrations, development policy. She was responsible for the mapping of Portuguese humanitarian response system.

Annelien Groten
Annelien Groten, is a lecturer and PhD student at ISCTE and is specialized in Humanitarian Aid and Development with over 20 years of experience in the field. Her focus is on the impact of aid on aid recipients. Currently she is an international consultant working on assignments in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation with a nexus on gender, human rights and justice in Asia and the Middle East.
She has held various positions in the field of humanitarian aid and development over the past two decades, for national NGOs, and International organisations in countries as varied as Zambia, Mozambique, Nepal, Vietnam, Palestine and Egypt amongst others. Highly experienced in critical analysis of humanitarian aid and development and has been directly involved in projects focusing on empowerment of marginalised groups to support their own claim making from a human rights and justice perspective. She also has experience in capacity building for and with national and international NGOs in strategy development, business development, monitoring and evaluation, research in the fields of gender and social justice. She is a member of the academic teaching body of the advanced training course in Humanitarian Action at ISCTE, focused in developing humanitarian intervention and support in natural disasters, economic and social crises, wars and conflicts, major epidemics, and other generators of the growing need for humanitarian action in the world. As independent international consultant led and participated in numerous projects, related to humanitarian situations, among them:
“Effectiveness of Amnesty International work during Operation protective Edge ‘, Amnesty International, 2017;
“10 year impact study on South Hebron Hills’, 2018 Breaking the Silence, Israel;
‘Impact evaluation of Norwegian Refugee Council Legal Aid Programme’, 2017, Israel/Palestine;
‘Capacity building in monitoring and evaluation amongst partner NGOs in Myanmar’ 2018/19, Norwegian’s People’s Aid, Myanmar;
‘Management of emergency assistance projects for Trocaire Occupied Palestinian Territories programme, 2009-2011;
‘Management of Emergency Situation Centre, UNICEF Mozambique and Namibia, 2007;

Ana Simaens
Ana Simaens lectures at the Iscte Business School on the topics of Strategic Management and Sustainability. Ana holds a PhD in Management from Tilburg University. As Integrated researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-Iscte), her work has appeared in various publications, including the Journal of Business Ethics, Public Management Review, and Sustainability, and she is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Currently, Ana plays the roles of Associate Dean for Engagement and Impact, and Deputy Director of the Department of Marketing, Operations, and General Management. Ana is also a member of the Scientific Committee of BRU-Iscte, coordinates the Prosperity dimension of Sustainability at Iscte and is the Interlocutor of Quality and Sustainability at the Iscte Business School. Internationally, Ana is collaborating as an Expert in the ISO TC323 – Circular Economy, as Guardian of the GRLI Council (Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative), and is Head of Programmatic Work at PRME Chapter Iberia. Finally, Ana is a Certified facilitator of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials, a Certified facilitator of® with Playmobil®.pro, and a Certified Reinvention Practitioner.

Ana Lúcia Martins
Ana Lúcia Martins is an Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL and as Associate Researcher at Bru-Iscte. She holds a PhD in Management, with specialization in Operations Management and Technology, and an MSc in Management, with specialization in Strategy. She currently serves as Vice-dean for Teaching and Innovation, at the Iscte Business School. She is the co-director of the Master in Humanitarian Action, a program jointly offered by the School of Sociology and Public Policy and the Business School. She currently serves in the Board of Directors of the Humanitarian Impact Association.
Ana teaches Operations Management, Logistics Management, Service Operations Management, and Supply Chain Management. Ana authored more than 80 scientific articles in international scientific journals and conferences. Her current main research topics are operations management in humanitarian settings, logistics management and lean management in the services area, mainly in judicial and healthcare systems.
Detailed CV in:

Patrícia Galvão Teles
A Professor Patrícia Galvão Teles is Associate Professor of International Law at the Autonomous University of Lisbon. She is Guest Professor at ISCTE at the Humanitarian Action Masters, where she lectures on Human Rights and Legal Dimensions of Humanitarian Action.
She is also a member, since 2017, of the United Nations International Law Commission, where she is Co-chair of the Study Group on “Sea-level rise in relation to International Law” and is responsible for the sub-topic “Protection of Persons affected by Sea-level Rise”.

Sílvia Agostinho Silva
A Sílvia Agostinho Silva is Professor (Professora Catedrática) at the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. Her main research interests lie in the field of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources applied to safety, health and wellbeing at work. Her work has been published in several books and international journals. She has been a Member of several scientific associations and international networks. Between May 2011 and May 2017 she was in the Executive Committee of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. She coordinated several research national and international projects and collaborated with several companies aiming workplace safety and health promotion.

Susana Santos
Susana Santos holds a PhD degree in Sociology (2012) from the University Institute of Lisbon – Iscte, Portugal. She is a senior researcher at the Center of Research in Sociology CIES.Iscte and assistant professor at the School of Sociology and Public Policies where she teaches Sociology of Law; Globalisation, Human Rights and Social Justice; and Political Communication to undergraduate and master students. Her research is focused on legal professions, pro bono activities, access to justice and legal ethics. Her recent project includes the following of young lawyers’ biographic trajectories in three Lusophone countries (Cabo Verde, Portugal, and Mozambique) focusing its attention on mobility dynamics that allows legal practice and/or counselling in one, two or more jurisdictions and how those dynamics are crisscrossed by class, gender, race, age, and nationality. Susana co-coordinates the thematic section dedicated to Sociology of Law and Justice of the Portuguese Sociological Association. Susana is also an active member of the Research committee in Sociology of Law from the International Sociological Association (ISA) and served as co-chair of the RCSL 2018 international meeting held in Lisbon. She is a coopted member of the RCSL Governing Bodies 2023-2027. Susana is a regular member of the Law and Society Association. She served as co-chair of the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) of the 7th Global Meeting in Lisbon, July 2022.
Besides her involvement in national and international scientific associations Susana is an active member of Portuguese society contributing regularly as an evaluator to the Center of Judicial Studies, member of a think tank promoted by the Prosecutor General dedicated to the prevention of fraud in European funds, member of a civic association (BASE-FUT) commited to worker’s rights and a union delegate.

Evaristo Domingos Uaila
About me
Director of Post-Graduate Studies at Púnguè University. He holds a PhD in Education (Curriculum) by the Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) since 2004. He studied Teaching of Mathematics and Physics at the Pedagogical University (then, Instituto Superior Pedagógico, in 1992). He is a lecturer of Mathematics since 1992 at the undergraduate level and since 2008, also at the M.A. level. His field of research is Ethnomathematics, with a focus on valuing and incorporating local knowledge in teaching mathematics.
project coordinator

Dizimalta Miquitaio
About me
Director of the Faculty of Exact and Techonological Sciences at Púnguè University. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biosciences since 2020. His research is focused on delivering knowledge to be used in the Mozambican breeding programs to generate maize seeds that are more resilient to drought stress. He is also a lecturer of plant physiology, genetics, and botany at the Biology Department since 2009.
focal point for communication and dissemination

Inácio Francisco Dias
About me
Head of the Department of Current Budget in the Finance Direction at Púnguè University. He is currently a 4th year student in Accounting and Auditing at the High Polytechnique Institute of Manica. He also trained as Technician in Public Administration by the Institute of Public Administration and Autarchic of Beira, (2008).
Financial manager

Rovuma University
Coordinator of the project
Alice Castigo Binda Freia
About me
Alice Castigo Binda Freia. Coordinator of the project (UniRovuma). Professor of Didactics of Geography and Director of UniRovuma, Niassa branch. PhD and Master in Didactics of Geography from Paris VII – Denis Diderot in Paris. Degree in Geography Teaching from the former Pedagogical University of Mozambique. Coordinator of the research group on teaching Geography. Research in teaching Geography and the population’s perception of climate change.
project coordinator

Project financial officer
Juma Muteliha
About me
Juma Muteliha. Project financial officer (UniRovuma). Master in Accouting from ISTE-IUL. PhD student in Economics at the Catholic University of Mozambique. Lecturer and Finance Director at UniRovuma. He collaborated as a volunteer in social action service of ISTE-IUL in 2011 in identifying and establishing contacts of social support entities for students from PALOPs during his Master’s course. In 2017 he participated in the organization of the first colloquium on Migration, Culture and Development: Encounter of Cultures, organized by the former Pedagogical University of Mozambique, Nampula Branch.
focal point for communication and dissemination

António de Abreu Pereira
About me
António de Abreu Pereira. PHD in Communication Sciences. Master in Development Management. Degree in Communication Sciences. Degree in Political History and Public Management. Lecturer and Director of the Communication and Cooperation Office at the Rovuma University. Communication, marketing and sales consultant. Areas of interest: relationship and engagement marketing; digital communication and media; microcredit and development.
Financial manager

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Thalia Dragonas
About me
Thalia Dragonas is Professor Emerita of Social Psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She was Chair of Department of Early Childhood Education, Dean of School of Education , member of the board of the Greek Open University and of the Center of Educational Research. Her research work and publications are on psychosocial identity, intergroup relations, social inclusion, intercultural education, ethnocentrism in the educational system, prevention and promotion of early psychosocial health, transition to parenthood, fatherhood and masculinity. She co-directed a 22 year-long intervention for the education of the historical Muslim minority in Greece and currently is working on refugee integration. She served as a Member of Parliament (2007-09) and was Secretary at the Greek Ministry of Education (2009-10) responsible for populations at risk such as migrants, the Roma and the Muslim minority in Thrace.

Alexandra Androussou
About me
Alexandra Androussou is Professor of Teaching Methodology at the Department of Early Childhood Education, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her main research topics concern teaching practices, teacher training and intercultural education. She has organized many teacher- training programs in a variety of educational contexts. She is also involved in the development of educational materials for teachers. She was member of the Scientific Committee of the project for the reform of the education addressing Muslim minority children (1997-2019). She was vice chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of the Greek Ministry of Education, on the education of refugee children (2016-2018). She is in charge of an intervention for the education of refugee children at the Eleonas Refugee Camp in Athens.

Nelly Askouni
About me
Nelly Askouni is Professor of Sociology of Education at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has a long-standing interest in the relations between social class relations in education and the processes that (re)produce inequalities at school. Her research focuses on education of immigrant and minority children, class inequalities in education, teachers’ practices and professional identities.

Universidade Pedagόgio de Maputo
Project Coordinator
Arlete Maria Vilanculos Ferrão
About me
Director of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Pedagogical University of Maputo, holding a doctorate degree in Computer Science Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Master in Computer Applications from Punjab College of Technical Education and undergraduate in Mathematics and Physics Education from the Pedagogical University.
Lecturer in programming languages and educational technologies at post-graduate and undergraduate levels. My research area is Educational Technologies and published articles in the same field. I have been involved in projects regarding Management of Change Process in Organizations for Mozambican and Ugandan Alumni in the TVET sector

Project Finance Officer
Suelga Silésia Mondlane Magalhães
About me
Suelga Silésia Mondlane Magalhães acting as a Finance Officer of the Project holds an Undergraduate Degree in Finance and Management. Additionally, successfully completed practical courses on the Financial Administration System of the Government of Mozambique and the usage of the corresponding information systems e-SISTAFE as well as a Public Financial Management course provided by the IMF – International Monetary Fund.
Currently the Head of the Investment Budget Unit at the Directorate of Finance at the Pedagogical University of Maputo.

Vasco Filimone Davane
About me
Focal point of Communication in the Project.
Degree in Journalism, and Master’s student in Journalism and Digital Media.
Head of the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication, at the Office of Communication and Image, UP Maputo.

Dulce Vânia Mosteiro Matusse Massolonga
About me
Head of the Quality and Evaluation Department at the Pedagogical University of Maputo, holding a Master degree in Business Administration from Punjab College of Technical Education and undergraduate in Planning, Administration and Educational Management from Pedagogical University.
Lecturer in marketing and business strategy at undergraduate levels at Pedagogic University. My research areas are in Marketing and community development. I have been involved in projects regarding Family Planning assessment in Mozambique with a focus on rural adolescents between 10-19 years of old.

Sarita Monjane Henriksen
About me
Holds a PhD in Language Policy and Education Planning with a focus on Multilingual Contexts, awarded by the University of Roskilde, Denmark; a Master Degree in Linguistics in Education, University of Surrey, St. Mary’s University College, United Kingdom; holds a degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Universidade Pedagógica, Mozambique; in addition, she has a specialization in English Language Teaching (ELT), University of Delaware, United States of America. She teaches both at the graduate and post-graduate level, the disciplines of Sociolinguistics, Education Policy, Language and Cultural Diversity, Translation Studies, and Consecutive Interpreting. She is currently the Director of the Cooperation and the International Relations Office at UPM and a member of the Doctoral School on Language Studies, facilitating the PhD seminars on Language Planning and Policy, Languages in Contact and Bilingual Education within the scope of the PhD Program on Language Sciences Applied to Language Teaching. She was until recently, the Scientific Director of the Master Course in Education and English Language Teaching (ELT), and the Dean of the Faculty of Language Sciences, Communication and Arts and Chair of the Faculty’s Scientific Council. She was Guest Professor at the Universidade Federal do Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil, lecturing the mini-course on Language Policy (2014) and at the University of Southern Denmark, faciliting the Seminar on Cultural and Linguistic Encounters, at the MA Program on Integration and Globalization (2010). Main research interests include: bilingual and multilingual education, identity, globalization and migration issues and consequences in linguistic and educational terms. Among her publications it should be highlighted Ideologies of language and bilingual education in Mozambique (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom, 2014).

Universidade de Santiago
Nardi Sousa
About me
Sociologist. Master’s Degree in African Studies (Analysis and Management: Socio-economic Development in Africa). PhD in Social Sciences. President of IPED – Institute of Research and Studies for Development – University of Santiago. Head of the Department of Legal and Social Sciences of the University of Santiago. Professor/researcher and consultant in the area of project evaluation. Much experience in a post-conflict emergency situation in Angola as Supervisor of the projects “INCENTIVAR Luanda, Huambo, Bié, Benguela, Kuando Kubango e Kwanza Sul” (Projects for Socio-economic Reintegration of Ex-Military Personnel) – Government Program, funded by the World Bank, European Union and MDRP (Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program) and managed by IRSEM, World Vision international (2005-2008). Also in post conflict Angola he was Consultant/Coordinator of Luanda Civil Society Project – LCSP implemented by World Vision Angola – funded by DFID (Department for International Development) Capacity Building of 3 Civil Society Associations in Luanda (Viana and Cacuaco) and Fight against Poverty in the peri-urban environment, Gender Issues and Development (World Vision Angola) from 2004 to 2005. Much experience as Consultant: Solidarity Security Program for MAI (Ministry of Internal Administration) in partnership with the European Union (2013-2014). Much experience in project development and management, as well as teaching project cycle and intervention-action methodology. He was Coordinator of the study “Human Rights and Citizenship of Immigrants in Cape Verde and São Tomé: A Comparative Study (1991-2015)”, a study addressing the legal issue of immigrants, gender development, citizenship, etc. (Funded by CODESRIA – Dakar – Human Rights Prize 2017 – Scientific research). He is also author of the book “Imigração e Cidadania Local: Associativismo Imigrante e Políticas Públicas de Portugal, IBL, Praia, 2003. Director of the Cape Verdean Journal of Social Sciences. He was coordinator of the Sociology Course at the University of Santiago.

Cilliavini Afonso Varela
About me
Degree in Nursing (IP Leiria – Portugal); Master in Forensic Psychology and Social Exclusion (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Portugal). Coordinator of the Nursing course at the University of Santiago; Coordinator of the health fairs and community intervention of the University of Santiago in the communities of Santiago Island and Cape Verde.

Micael Fernandes
About me
Degree in Marketing and Multimedia (IP Leiria). Master’s Degree student in Business Sciences (Universidade de Santiago). Director of GCIRI – Communication and Image Office of Universidade de Santiago.

Ricardo Mendes
About me
Nutritionist. Degree and Master in Public Health Nutrition from the University of São Paulo (Brazil). Professor and Coordinator of the Nutrition and Food Quality Course at the University of Santiago. Reseracher and FAO National Consultant in the area of Nutrition, Food Safety and Trade of the Project “Integrating nutrition in the trade diplomas of the small island developing states”. He actively participates in several research and extension projects on food and nutritional education throughout the country.

Pedro Matos
About me
PhD in International Relations from Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2017), Master in Political Science from Federal University of Minas Gerais (2013); Bachelor in International Relations from Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2010), extension course in International Technical Cooperation from Catholic University of Brasília (2015).
Until last year (2020) he taught the discipline “Energy, Environment and Globalization” in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development of the Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara, where he performed post-doctoral internship under the National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD) of CAPES. He is part of the Interinstitutional Research Network on Foreign Policy and Political Regime, in which he is a member of the Study Group on Comparative Foreign Policy (2012); member of the Study Center for Decision Making Processes of PUC Minas (2013); member and one of the creators of the Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies Dom Helder Câmara – AFRODOM (2014). He works in International Cooperation for Development, International Politics, Environmental Law and Sustainable Development.

Lamine Tavares
About me
Engineer. Pedagogue (mathematics didactics). Master in Educational Management. Responsible for the Office of Studies, Planning and Institutional Development – University of Santiago. Professor of Statistics and Linear Algebra. Researcher in the area of Organizational Climate, motivation and public policies. Independent Consultant in the area of Professional Training. Management experience in educational and professional training establishments (having performed the functions of Director of the Grão-Duque Henri Technical School, Director of the Praia Professional Training Centre and also Director of the Praia Employment and Professional Training Centre) and in the public/political sector (having performed the functions of General Director of Social Solidarity). Social activist.

Universdade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV)
Cilliavini Afonso Varela
About me
ARLINDO MENDES VIEIRA holds a PhD degree in Education Sciences from the Institute of Education / University of Minho, a master’s degree in Educational Sciences with a specialty in Educational Assessment from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences / University of Lisbon, and a bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences, with a degree in Teacher Training from the same Faculty. Arlindo Vieira is a member of the Board of Directors in the Department of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Cabo Verde. Arlindo Vieira is the Coordinator of the Education Sciences program and a Member of the Commission Postgraduate Course in Education and Sustainable Development. Voting Member of the Postgraduate Course in Education at the Faculty of Education and Sport (Masters and Doctorate). Collaborating member of the Master’s Degree in Special Education- Cognitive-Motor Domain. Researcher at the International Observatory for Inclusion, Interculturality and Innovation (OIIIIPe). President of the Internal Evaluation Committee of Uni-CV. President of the Electoral Commission for the choice of representatives of the Academy at CONSU Universidade. Trainer with the CCPFC/RFO-15868/03 registration issued by the University of Minho, Braga (Scientific Council – Pedagogical of Continuous Training). Trainer Aptitude Certificate (CAP) issued by the Employment and Vocational Training Institute of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of Portugal.

Claudia Janete Fortes Rodrigues
About me
Claudia Janete Fortes Rodrigues, has a degree in Accounting and Administration, financial control and auditing by ISCEE, certified accountant at OPACC – Professional Order of Certified Auditors and Accountants, since 2007.
Uni-CV employee since 2010, in the Administrative Financial Services (SAF) as a senior Accounting and Financial Management technician, currently responsible for SAFs at the Mindelo Campus and responsible for the financial execution of the Uni-CV Investment Budget. (

Clementina Furtado
About me
Clementina Baptista de Jesus Furtado is a PhD in Political & Social Sciences, on the scope of the PIC from CUD (Uni-CV/ULB), under the topic, “Migrations from Western Africa in Cabo Verde: attitudes and representations”. A teacher at the course Graduation in Geography & Spatial Planning, (LGOT) at the University of Cabo Verde and the Director of CIGEF (Center for the Research and Training on Gender and Family (Current position), since August 1, 2013.
She has been a member of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) Implementation and Evaluation Committee and the Focal Point for Gender issues at the Cabo Verdean Institute for Gender Equality and Equity (ICIEG). Member of National Committee of Immigration (CNI-DGI). She is also, a Member of the Parity Proposal Law Committee, approved in November 2019. She has organized and participated in several international and national congresses and seminars, always delivering communications.
Current areas of research; Migrations in the Cabo Verdean society, Gender and Development.

Deisa Semedo
About me
Deisa Salyse dos Reis Cabral Semedo, is an Professor at the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV), Graduated in Nursing from the School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Master in Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra. PhD in Nursing in the Graduate Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). Advanced Course in Gerontology and Geriatrics. Coordinator of the Nursing Degree Course at the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV) from 2017-2020. Assistant coordinator of a master’s degree in public health at Uni-CV in partnership with UNESP and IHMT 2020 until this date. Member of the study group and research in gerontology, nursing / health and education in Brazil. Technical support center for the elderly health program in Cape Verde. Publication of articles in international journals and international communications. Orientations of undergraduate monographs. Participation in libraries of defenses of undergraduate monographs of dissertation of master and a PhD in Brazil. Reviser of the Journal Disciplinarum Scientia of the Franciscan University (UniFra / Brazil) and Brazilian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology.(

Elga Carvalho
About me
Doctoral student in Nursing in the family area (2018), Master in Public Health (2014); graduation in Nursing (2002). Professor of the nursing course at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uni-CV; Experience: coordinator of the nursing course at Uni-CV (2009 to 2011; health consultancy, organization of extension work at Uni-CV: Areas of interest: health promotion, sexuality in adolescence, community and family. Publications: oral presentation and publication of articles on primary health.

Odair Barros-Varela
About me
Odair Barros-Varela is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV), where he was President of the School of Business and Governance (ENG) and is currently the academic director of the Masters in African Regional Integration and International Relations and Economic Diplomacy. He is a Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pará (Brazil) and other foreign Universities. He has a degree in International Relations, a Master’s and a PhD in Sociology from the Center for Social Studies (CES) and Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (FEUC). He has a postdoctoral degree in Political Science from the Université du Québec à Montreal (Canada). He is an associate researcher at some national and international Research Centers and he is the President of the Knowledge Production and Promotion Center (CeProK) in Cape Verde; He is the winner of the Fernão Mendes Pinto Award 2013 with his doctoral thesis held at the University of Coimbra, a work that received, in the same year, an Honorable Mention of the CES Prize for Young Social Scientists of Portuguese Language. He has several publications in national and international books and magazines and participation in national and international conferences, mainly on the following topics: Modern State in Africa and State Governance; Post-Colonialisms in Africa: Power and Knowledge; Local Participation in Justice; Regional Integration; and International Migration. (