Research articles

Articles of general interest

Por Ringo Benjamin Victor, Jose Joao Passe, Dizilmata Miquitaio, Evaristo Uaila,Helio Nganhane (2023) Mapping of Flood Susceptibility in the Zambezi 2 River Basin, Mozambique, Boletim Geo Africa, 2, 7, 101-130 [ Paper]

Odair Barros-Varela.  Foreign Humanitarian Intervention in Africa: Legitimacy and Limits. The case of ‘fragile’, ‘failed’, or ‘collapsed states’. by Adjunct Professor at the University of Cape Verde. [ Paper]

Guilherme Ziebell de Oliveiraa, Nilton César Fernandes Cardoso (2021). The Anglophone crisis in the Republic of Cameroon and the inaction of African conflict resolution mechanisms. [ Paper]

Nilton César Fernandes Cardoso, Guilherme Ziebell de Oliveira, (2018). African peace operations: the experience of the OAU and the AU. [ Paper]